The Gate to Heaven Ministry
Non Profit Organization
WELCOME you who are unfamiliar with this ministry and have never heard of Rachel (pronounced ‘Rashell’) or the Gate to Heaven Ministry. It’s not designed for those who already belong to the Gate to Heaven Ministry or know Rachel etc. but needless to say, all our welcome.
About Us
In the early stages of the ministry, God gave Rachel a passage from Ezekiel while she was lying down near the sanctuary, resting in the Spirit, after the priest asked those present to join him closer to the front. This happened in the mid 1990s during a Healing Mass and it began as a teaching to which God would continue to develop and become the ‘Mission’.

Our Latest Posts
Main Prayers:
Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots:
Click HERE:
1. Pope Leo Exorcism Prayer – revised
2. Spiritual Warfare – revised
3. Breaking the Bondage of a Curse – revised
4. Chaplet of Humanity
Latest Mission
Coming soon:
Dentist ‘Cleaning Trip’ – February 13, 2023.
North Bay Trip – February 10-12, 2023
check back soon…
Houston – Texas, Ottawa/Montreal, Niagara Falls, Belleville/Burlington.
Latest Mission Trip: Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge Ontario, Canada
I know I am inconsistent with the updates but each trip is different. Recently the information is sent to me in document form (PDF) and it is easier to just store it on google drive and then link it to the blog. It actually takes up less visual space like this and when you have read the older ones you can more easily keep up by clicking the most recent links that are closer to the top.
Also, as I have mentioned previously it is almost impossible to categorize what God gives to Rachel. Some are just updates that we write on our own but in those updates it will contain ‘testimonial, teachings and urgencies’ so I will just overlap and double up on where things go. It is heightened by the fact that I cannot call Rachel and bother her about where a document should go so while she is away we are governing under ‘covid-19’ principles meaning we are understaffed and doing the best we can!
Kitchener MISSION: April 4-20 (most recent updates are at the top)

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yes, if you arrived here then maybe God is inspiring you to support the ministry. Mother Angelica always said ‘please remember us between your electric and your gas bill’. We appreciate the same sentiment.